KidzArt: Neon Glow - June 10-11-12-13 - Ages 7-12 - with Lisa Van Wyk

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KidzArt: Neon Glow - June 10-11-12-13 - Ages 7-12 - with Lisa Van Wyk


Science and Art were never this much fun!

This summer, unleash your inner luminescence at our Glow-in-the-Dark Art Camp. Dive into a world where creativity takes on a whole new meaning, illuminated by the magic of fluorescent paints, neon powders, and blacklight surprises. Make a simple circuit to light up your painting! Create your own glow-in-the-dark dice and learn some new games to play. Make a treasure box, along with neon, black light and fluorescent designs that will help you discover the fun you can have with light.

All Supplies are included

Instructor: Lisa Van Wyk
Dates: June 10-11-12-13 (Monday to Thursday)
Time: 1:30 to 4pm

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