“Half Pint” by Victoria Walz
“Half Pint” by Victoria Walz
His name was Half Pint, but that was not going to stop him. Of all the horses in the pasture, he was the only one curious enough to come close as I looked for a composition of the others.
Being a Fresian-Hafinger cross, this fellow had the presence and coat of his larger half, yet the stature and expressiveness of the smaller breed. I turned around to say, “knock if off,” when he was following me. The lighting was perfection in his large, liquid eye. It was he that was meant to be in the photo created that day.
Horses have incredible memories. I often think about this sweet horse, and wonder if he would still remember me.
Victoria Walz - ©Barnfellows Art (20 x 24 Walnut Frame)
Film-Based Fine Art Photo
20” x 24”
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