Make a Donation to Maple Grove Arts

We rely on the generous financial support of individuals and organizations to keep Maple Grove Arts Center open and able to provide classes and arts education.
Although our space is donated by Kimco, we are responsible for utilities and general upkeep costs. We are staffed by volunteers and our board is totally voluntary. Please help us to survive and continue to be able to offer outstanding artwork to the public.

Donate to General Fund

We also run a Scholarship for graduating students from the District 279 area who are applying for an arts education. We present $500 annually to one student during our Student Art Show, held at Maple Grove Government Center in the spring each year. We need donations to keep that program viable.

Donate to the Jacob Beneke Scholarship Fund

If you have any questions or ideas for fundraising, please contact Lise Spence-Parsons

We can also accept donations by check:
Make checks out to Maple Grove Arts Center and mail them to:
PO Box 1643
Maple Grove, MN 55311
*Please indicate to which fund you’d prefer your donation applied.*