“My Happy Place” by Madelyn Hvidston


“My Happy Place” by Madelyn Hvidston


I created this piece to represent my journey in life, specifically overcoming life’s obstacles. I always have been drawn to waves and how they carry such emotion, and I feel it relates to my emotions of turmoil. A mermaid is diving into the ocean showing that we can escape into the deep depths of the ocean in dark times. But we have to face it at some time, or we will drown ourselves in the unknown. However, the sun will still rise even when troubles arise. With it comes a new day that brings new beginnings. Although, we do need to face our obstacles with great determination and strength, so we also need to find our true selves to regain our strength from within. The footprints in the sand relay a message of hope to move on and let go.

The runner going up the rocky hill, shows that we can move up to the highest mountain if we believe in ourselves. It might not be easy, but it will be worth it. I believe this piece symbolizes everyone’s journey in life. I hope it lights a path of hope to your soul no matter what journey life takes you on.


48” x 30”

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