Covid Disclaimer


By attending, participating, or volunteering in a class, workshop, lesson, show, group, event or activity (collectively, “Activities”) at the Maple Grove Arts Center, you acknowledge and agree: (1) Coronavirus/COVID-19 and its variants (“COVID”) is contagious and spreads from person-to-person. (2) Maple Grove Arts Center and its directors, officers, employees, volunteers, advisors, members, patrons, students, guests, agents and representatives (collectively, “Arts Center”) can NOT guarantee that you will not be exposed to, infected by, or spread COVID resulting from the Arts Center or its Activities. (3) Acknowledgement of the Risks. You understand the risks of exposure, infection and spread of COVID (including without limitation illness, sickness, health complications, missed work days, lost wages, need for medical care, medical bills, hospitalization, chronic long term effects, spreading COVID to your family or others, disability, permanent disability, injury and/or death (“collectively, “RISKS”)), and that these RISKS may result from the negligence or fault of yourself, Arts Center, and/or others. (4) ASSUMPTION OF RISK: You hereby assume the risk of exposure, infection, and spread of COVID resulting from the Arts Center or its Activities. (5) DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY. ARTS CENTER WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE OR LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIMS (OR ANY RISKS, DAMAGES, LOSSES, LIABILITIES, COSTS, FEES OR EXPENSES (“DAMAGES”)) THAT MAY ARISE OUT OF, OR RELATE TO, EXPOSURE, INFECTION OR SPREAD OF COVID RESULTING FROM THE ARTS CENTER OR ITS ACTIVITIES. (6) WAIVER AND RELEASE; AGREE NOT TO SUE. YOU (FOR YOURSELF AND ON BEHALF OF YOUR SPOUSE, CHILDREN, EXECUTORS, ADMINSTRATORS, HEIRS, NEXT OF KIN, LEGAL AND PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES, AND SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, AND ANYONE ELSE WHO MAY SUE ON BEHALF OF YOU (COLLECTIVELY, “RELEASORS”)) HEREBY FOREVER WAIVE, DISCHARGE, AND RELEASE ALL CLAIMS (WHETHER KNOWN OR UNKNOWN, FORESEEN OR UNFORESEEN) AGAINST, AND AGREE NOT TO SUE, ARTS CENTER FOR ANY RISKS OR DAMAGES THAT YOU OR RELEASORS MIGHT SUFFER IN CONNECTION WITH EXPOSURE, INFECTION OR SPREAD OF, COVID RESULTING FROM THE ARTS CENTER OR ITS ACTIVITIES (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION CLAIMS, RISKS, OR DAMAGES THAT MAY BE CAUSED BY OR ARISE OUT OF, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, THE NEGLIGENCE OR FAULT OF ARTS CENTER). By clicking below, you agree to the COVID DISCLAIMER, WAIVER AND RELEASE and understand that you have given up considerable future legal rights.