“Mysterious Waters” by Victoria Walz


“Mysterious Waters” by Victoria Walz


“Mysterious Waters” #2637

Capturing the wild feel of the Myakka River in Florida is challenging. It’s underdeveloped, so there’s a lot of overgrowth. Then there’s the alligators one imagines lurking beneath the surface ready to nab those who loiter on its banks a little too long.

No ancient reptiles are visible in this photo, but it does include the palms, palmettoes and Spanish moss I sought to help depict this place. Printing it in a blue tone underscores the mysterious qualities of this subtropical water basin. Pets must be kept on a leash here, lest they become someone’s lunch! Original Fine Art Photography by Victoria Walz - Barnfellows Art Images Framed Size: 18 x 25 Price: $259

Fine Art Photography

18” x 25”

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